The Crime Watch committee is the primary liaison between Juno Isles and the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s department. It monitors crime reporting and arranges for supplemental neighborhood and traffic patrols, if needed.
To report suspicious activity anywhere in Juno Isles, call the non-emergency number for the Sheriff’s Department (561) 688-3400. Call 911 for emergencies.
Crime Watch Committee Members:
- Christopher Bauchman
Keeping our Community Safe
We believe that one of the best ways to help keep our community safe is for residents to be well connected and aware of what is going on in our neighborhoods. Get to know your neighbors and pay attention to what is “normal” in the neighborhood and what activity is suspicious. In addition to contacting the Sheriff’s Department about suspicious activity, please also notify your neighborhood block captain and/or the Crime Watch Committee using our contact form so we can help keep the whole community well informed about possible threats to our community.
Block Captains
We are looking for block captains, individuals willing to keep an eye and ear out for suspicious activity in the community and to communicate any activity to other block captains and the Crime Watch Committee. If you’d be interested in being involved, please contact Steve Hoover using our contact form.
JICA is a No Soliciting Neighborhood
Juno Isles is a no soliciting neighborhood. Signs reminding folks entering our community have been posted. If someone comes to your door, please politely remind them that we are a no soliciting neighborhood and that the police will be called if they continue. Not all door-to-door salespeople are criminals but some may be scoping out the area with criminal intent, some make be looking to break into homes where no one answers, or may intend to distract you while a partner attempts to gain access to your property by another means.